FTC warns of Imposter Scams PS. Bigger than MLM
The FTC does a good job with their Consumer Alerts. This is a helpful guideline to be aware of. Especially now with AI giving the…
The FTC does a good job with their Consumer Alerts. This is a helpful guideline to be aware of. Especially now with AI giving the…
Jonathan Emord is a Constitutional Attorney and has been known as The FDA Dragon Slayer. He has helped protect nutritional supplements for decades. If you…
This will shine a light on the dark side of the Insurance and Leads business. You will see headlines about this, for sure. The allegations…
AI Voice generation is pretty cool and can be used for good and bad. In February 2024, The FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, made a…
You might find this interesting. I have been a fleeting fan of TWIV. This Week in Virology. You can find it on microbe.tv and on…
Some people say the Money Flows to the top in MLM. Check out where the Money Goes in your City, State and Federal Governments openthebooks.com…
MLM Company Youngevity Stock delisted by SEC after period of non-filing for many years. www.sec.gov/files/litigation/admin/2023/34-99086.pdf Here are some resources where you can find reliable information…
Primerica is the latest MLM Company to sue Always Marco Moukhaiber. You can find out more about Marco Moukhaiber on marcomoukhaiber.com You can see even…
GS Partners is getting hammered by several states in United Statesand provinces in Canada. Here is one example of many. dfi.wi.gov/Pages/About/NewsEvents/NewsReleases/20231117GSPartners.aspx
The FTC and MLM critics and Anti-MLM YouTubers always beat up MLM companies about medical and income claims and harp on disclosures. Well, your popular…