Legendary MLM Distributor asks for your subscription
Lights in the Night Radio show and YouTube Channel is run by Russ Johnson. Russ Johnson has been in MLM for decades. He also wants…
Lights in the Night Radio show and YouTube Channel is run by Russ Johnson. Russ Johnson has been in MLM for decades. He also wants…
It’s OK – the video everyone should see at least once. Watch the “It’s OK” video. www.choice42.com/ [http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55a41face4b0f89d9d526560/t/6276db5772ae966208e070f2/1651956613377/1+Hands_largepng.png?format=1500w] Choice42 We are Pro-Woman, Pro-Baby, and Pro-Life….
The FTC put out a consumer alert about MLM Income Disclosures. You can read up and decide for yourself how this is handled. Does it…
This is straight from the Federal trade Commission, the Washihngton DC based FTC. FTC Bans Fake Reviews New rule also targets paid reviews. This is…
Donna Marie Serritella writes: “I am excited to invite you to our next LIVE Direct Selling Show. I look forward to seeing you there. Date:…
MLM Compliance Podcast Kevin Grimes and Donna Marie Serritella about Neora and FTC Case Donna Marie Serritella writes: I am excited to invite you to…
MLM Distributors are people too! They love their pets. MLM Distributors love Pure-Light Bulbs for harmful chemical and odors removal. They care about their health,…
Donna Marie Serritella is running an MLM Compliance Training Webinar This Tuesday 6/25/24 at 12:30PM Eastern Time. us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtcemopjMpGNyrUNfOvP-9tYwJaMn9jgXX Network Marketing Attorney Kevin Grimes will be…
Wonder what’s so attractive about MLM and Dubai Dubai has become a safe haven for the criminal elite in drugs, and many other types of…
The FTC recently banned Non-Competes. This means something to MLM and “regular people” too. Rule Summary Image [Banning Non Competes: Good for workers, businesses, and…