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Breaking News on FTC vs. Vemma as soon as it happens

Breaking News with FTC Decision Announced Tonight

Breaking News on FTC vs. Vemma as soon as it happens!

Lots of people are waiting for the final answer on the FTC versus Vemma decision.
September 15th 2015 is the date.
The Court House is in Arizona…

and now.. the announcement…

We wait.

for up to three more days.

Details will be given as they are announced.

Check for court documents.

Based on limited opinions voiced so far, The FTC  blew it.
Fumbled the ball… missed a lay up…  bobbled a simple pop fly…
had a slow moving ground ball pass between their legs.
The FTC could have slam dunked it closed.

Better Legal team on Vemma’s side benefited by weak academic testimonial (so much for college degrees, wink wink) and assistant to real receiver defending FTC side of the FTC case.

Final verdict by 2:00PM Pacific Time Friday.


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