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Young Living Essential Oils and DoTERRA Receive Warning Letters From FDA

Essential oils have been well documented to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from the symptoms of various illnesses. The National Cancer Institute lists, in addition to cancer, the following ailments that can be helped with the use of essential oils:

  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Vaginal infections
  • Oropharyngeal fungal infections
  • Immune system deficiency

But, of course, these benefits come with a great deal of unease from pharmaceutical companies, as well as the FDA. And so, it’s not too surprising to hear that the FDA has sent letters to Young Living and doTerra, two essential oil manufacturers, claiming that their products are being marketed as unapproved drugs.

The companies must remove all claims of health benefits from their products or face consequences which, if history is any indicator, will involve federal agents raiding their warehouses and seizing their assets.

What makes things especially difficult for Young Living and doTerra is that both companies are network-based marketing companies. Individuals (probably college students and the like), are responsible for how products are marketed to those around them. This places power in the hands of such individuals to make claims that are unfounded in the hopes of making sales.

The FDA claims these independent marketers are “independent consultants,” and so their respective parent companies are being held responsible for all marketing claims made.

This is despite the fact that the companies themselves do not make any outlandish medical claims and follow FDA requirements to a tee. (Take a look at Young Living’s About Essential Oils page for example.)

The good news is that doTerra’s success has not slowed down in the wake of these allegations from the FDA. Proponents of essential oils continue to sing their praises, citing their effectiveness for everything from pain relief to weight loss.

We’ll see just how far the FDA will go in terms of sabotaging success – These letters are likely only the beginning of their assault on alternative medicine, a sure sign of greed despite revenues in the pharmaceutical industry as high as $954 billion worldwide in 2011.

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